
15 Fahrenheit 451 Quotes By Ray Bradbury

15 Fahrenheit 451 Quotes By Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Information About Fahrenheit 451

Name of Book : Fahrenheit 451

Author : Ray Bradbury

Genre : Dystopian

Pages : 256

Language : English

Country : United State

Publication date : October 19, 1953

Publisher : Ballantine Books

Quotes From Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

1. “ A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

2. “ We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at least one which makes the heart run over. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

3. “ That’s the good part of dying; when you’ve nothing to lose, you run any risk you want. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

4. “ I’ll hold onto the world tight some day. I’ve got one finger on it now; that’s a beginning. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

5. “ To everything there is a season. Yes. A time to break down, and a time to build up. Yes. A time to keep silence and a time to speak. Yes, all that. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

6. “ They say you retain knowledge even when you’re sleeping, if someone whispers in your ear. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

7. “ Remember, the firemen are rarely necessary. The public itself stopped reading of its own accord. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

8. “ ome on now, we’re going to go build a mirror factory first and put out nothing but mirrors for the next year and take a long look in them. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

9. “ That’s the good part of dying; when you’ve nothing to lose, you run any risk you want. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

10. “ No one has time any more for anyone else. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

11. “ He was not happy. He was not happy. He said the words to himself. He recognized this as the true state of affairs. He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run off across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of going to knock on her door and ask for it back. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

12. “ There must be something in books, things we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

13. “ We’re going to meet a lot of lonely people in the next week and the next month and the next year. And when they ask us what we’re doing, you can say, We’re remembering. That’s where we’ll win out in the long run. ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

14. “ I’m antisocial, they say. I don’t mix. It’s so strange. I’m very social indeed. It all depends on what you mean by social, doesn’t it? ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

15. “ We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real? ”

— Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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