
30 Zero to One Quotes By Peter Thiel

30 Zero to One Quotes By Peter Thiel
Zero to One By Peter Thiel

Information About Zero to One

Name of Book : Zero to One : Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

Author : Peter Thiel with Blake Masters

Genre : Politics, Business

Pages : 224 Pages

Language : English

Country : United States

Publication date : September 16, 2014

Publisher : Crown Business

Quotes From Zero to One By Peter Thiel

1. “ The most successful businesses have an idea for the future that's very different from the present. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

2. “ I believe, basically, that individual freedom is very important. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

3. “ Brilliant thinking is rare, but courage is in even shorter supply than genius. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

4. “ Unsolved problems are where you'll find opportunity. Energy is one sector with extremely urgent unsolved problems. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

5. “ The most valuable businesses of coming decades will be built by entrepreneurs who seek to empower people rather than try to make them obsolete. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

6. “ When you are starting a new business you don't want to go after giant markets. You want to go after small markets and take over those markets quickly. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

7. “ The most contrarian thing of all is not to oppose the crowd but to think for yourself. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

8. “ Every business is successful exactly to the extent that it does something others cannot. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

9. “ Competition means no profits for anybody, no meaningful differentiation, and a struggle for survival. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

10. “ First, only invest in companies that have the potential to return the value of the entire fund. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

11. “ In a world of scarce resources, globalization without new technology is unsustainable. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

12. “ If you can’t monopolize a unique solution for a small market, you’ll be stuck with vicious competition. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

13. “ What important truth do very few people agree with you on? ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

14. “ eople always say you should live your life as if it were your last day. I think you should live your life as though it will go on for ever; that every day is so good that you don’t want it to end. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

15. “ Customers won’t care about any particular technology unless it solves a particular problem in a superior way.  ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

16. “ Contrarian thinking doesn’t make any sense unless the world still has secrets left to give up. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

17. “ People are spending way too much time thinking about climate change, way too little thinking about AI. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

18. “ Wall Street is always too biased toward short-term profitability and biased against long-term growth. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

19. “ There are exactly 2 kinds of businesses in this world. Businesses that are perfectly competitive and businesses that are monopolies. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

20. “ If you’re a non-monopolist, you will rhetorically describe your market as super small, you’re the only person in that market. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

21. “ The best projects are likely to be overlooked, not trumpeted by a crowd; the best problems to work on are often the ones nobody else even tries to solve. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

22. “ You’ve invented something new but you haven’t invented an effective way to sell it, you have a bad business—no matter how good the product. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

23. “ Monopoly is the condition of every successful business. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

24. “ You should focus relentlessly on something you’re good at doing, but before that you must think hard about whether it will be valuable in the future. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

25. “ These very small markets are quite underrated. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

26. “ The road doesn’t have to be infinite after all. Take the hidden paths. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

27. “ Most of a tech company’s value will come at least 10 to 15 years in the future. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

28. “ All failed companies are the same: they failed to escape competition. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

29. “ You should focus relentlessly on something you’re good at doing, but before that you must think hard about whether it will be valuable in the future. ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

30. “ Madness is rare in individuals—but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule ”

— Zero to One By Peter Thiel

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