
32 Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty

32 Think Like A Monk Quotes By Jay Shetty
Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

Information About Think Like A Monk

Name of Book :  Think Like A Monk

Author : Jay Shetty

Genre :  Self Development

Pages : 352 Pages

Language : English

Country : United Kingdom

Publication Date : September 8, 2020

Publisher : Simon & Schuster

Quotes From Think Like A Monk

1. “ The less time you fixate on everyone else, the more time you have to focus on yourself.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

2. “ Satisfaction comes from believing in the value of what you do.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

3. “ You can’t be anything you want. But you can be everything you are.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

4. “ Be honest about what your intention is. The worst thing you can do is pretend to yourself that you’re acting out of service when all you want is material success.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

5. “ If you don’t break your ego, life will break it for you.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

6. “ The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

7. “ When you try to live your most authentic life, some of your relationships will be put in jeopardy. Losing them is a risk worth bearing; finding a way to keep them in your life is a challenge worth taking on.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

8. “ The emotion you fall asleep with at night is most likely the emotion you’ll wake up with in the morning.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

9. “ The arrogant ego desires respect, whereas the humble worker inspires respect.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

10. “ Life's too short to live without purpose, to lose our chance to serve, to let our dreams and aspirations die with us.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

11. “ The body is a vessel. It contains us, so it's important. We have to take care of it, feed it, keep it healthy, but the vessel is just a carrier. What it carries is the real value.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

12. “ You are not your success or your failure.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

13. “ Being present is the only way to live a truly rich and full life.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

14. “ Gratitude is the mother of all qualities. As a mother gives birth, gratitude brings forth all other qualities - compassion, resilience, confidence, passion - positive traits that help us find meaning and connect with others.

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

15. “ In getting you where you want to be, meditation may show you what you don’t want to see.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

16. “ The ego is two-faced. One moment it tells us we're great at everything, and the next moment it tells us we're the worst. Either way, we are blind to the reality of who we are. True humility is seeing what lies between the extremes.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

17. “ A monk is a traveler, but the journey is inward, bringing us ever closer to our most authentic, confident, powerful self.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

18. “ Service is the direct path to a meaningful life.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

19. “ Success doesn't guarantee happiness, and happiness doesn't require success. They can feed each other, and we can have them at the same time, but they are not intertwined.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

20. “ Real greatness is when you use your own achievements to teach others, and they learn how to teach others, and the greatness that you've accomplished expands exponentially.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

21. “ Change happens with small steps and big priorities. Pick one thing to change, make it your number one priority, and see it through before you move on to the next.

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

22. “ No matter what you think your values are, your actions tell the real story. What we do with our spare time shows what we value.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

23. “ Fear motivates us. Sometimes it motivates us toward what we want, but sometimes, if we aren't careful, it limits us with what we think will keep us safe.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

24. “ When you get stressed - what changes? Your breath. When you get angry - what changes? Your breath. We experience every emotion with the change of the breath. When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate any situation in life.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

25. “ To build your competence without regard for character is narcissistic, and to build character without working on skills is devoid of impact. We need to work on both in order to serve our souls and a higher purpose.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

26. “ The most powerful, admirable, captivating quality in any human is seen when they've achieved great things, but still embrace humility and their own insignificance.

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

27. “ When you're living in service, you don't have time to complain and criticize. When you're living in service, your fears go away. When you're living in service, you feel grateful. Your material attachments diminish. Service is the direct path to a meaningful life.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

28. “ You can only keep up the myth of your own importance for so long. If you don't break your ego, life will break it for you.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

29. “ The measure of success isn't numbers, it's depth. Monks aren't impressed by how long you meditate. We ask how deep you went.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

30. “ Selflessness is the surest route to inner peace and a meaningful life. Selflessness heals the self.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

31. “ Listening is one of the most thoughtful gifts we can give. There is no better way to show that we care about another person's experience.

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

32. “ To walk down the same old path and find a new stone is to open your mind.”

— Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty

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